SEN Local Offer and information booklet Nov 2022.docx
SEND Policy Nov22.doc
SEN Leaflet October 2021.pdf
Under The Willow Tree Coffee Morning
We are committed to doing our best to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children at our school, which enables them to
We consider every teacher to be a teacher of every child, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. We have the highest aspirations and expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs.
We aim to achieve a community where parents and those working in school have a mutual trust and confidence in each other, created through clear, consistent approaches to communication and collaborative working, to enable outstanding outcomes for children with SEND.
There are a number of children in the school, who we suspect have Dyslexia. However, statistics suggest that approximately 10% of the population could have Dyslexia, albeit very mild. Research shows that schools can better support the teaching and learning of these children by initiating a range of additional strategies. We are now starting to implement these. Examples include: using soft pastel coloured paper instead of white, use a soft pastel coloured background on the Interactive Whiteboards, use of font styles with wider spaces between words and letters to reduce ‘blur’, clearly labelled resources, use of clear number squares, numbers lines and alphabet arcs, consistent visual timetables and purchasing of some ‘Dyslexia friendly’ reading books.
For further information, please contact Dawn Tipton (SENDCo) on 01162876749 or email sendco@martinshaw.leics.sch.uk
Admissions Statement for Children with Special Educational Needs.pdf