At Martinshaw, our aim is to offer outdoor experiences that both motivate children and further impact on their learning. These experiences will be instantaneous as well as active. They impact on behaviour as well as tapping into the learning styles of the more kinaesthetic learner. Through skilled teaching, we aim for our outdoor experiences to readily become a stimulating source of fascination and personal growth, that can often lead to breakthroughs in learning. Through the use of Outdoor learning, we hope to bring learning to life. Outdoor learning will provide experiential opportunities allowing pupils to respond positively to opportunities, challenges and responsibilities, to manage risk and to cope with change.
Throughout the school, we try to utilise the outdoor space as much as possible. Opportunities to take learning outside are seized and taken full advantage of. Children have access to the playground, field, pond and spinney. Each class has their own planter where they can grow plants and fruit for example. Take a closer look at our outstanding outdoor facilities in the 360 tour.
Virtual School Tour
Outdoor Learning Policy