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School Cloud
School Cloud


At Martinshaw School we aim to:

Promote and support curriculum music for all children as an entitlement through their classroom experiences, and follow the national curriculum.

  • Provide experiences and resources which promote knowledge, skills and understanding in music, in relation to both their own and other’s traditions.
  • Provide learning experiences in music which promote confidence and development of the child.
  • Promote a music curriculum with relevant differentiated experiences.
  • Promote progression and continuity in music through careful curriculum planning and monitoring, in line with the school’s assessment and recording policies.
  • Promote opportunities for the child to further develop musical skills through an extended curriculum.
  • Promote the continuing development of expertise and confidence in music for all/relevant members of staff.
  • Recognise ways in which ICT may be incorporated into, and developed by the music curriculum and used to enhance the musical experiences of all children.
  • Provide all children, during KS2, at least one opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument taught by a specialist music teacher.
Martinshaw Primary School
Forest View, Groby, Leicester LE6 0BB
E: manager@martinshaw.leics.sch.uk
T: 0116 2876749