Working in partnership with parents and/or carers is central to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We are proud of the stong relationships we build with our parents and carers.
Each child in Preschool is allocated a key worker. A keyworker is a member of the Preschool staff team who has special responsibility for a group of children. Your child’s keyworker will work closely with you and your child to ensure their care and educational needs are met. They will ensure that your child is happy and feels secure at Martinshaw Preschool and will observe, encourage and extend your child’s learning experiences, as well as ensuring their individual needs are met.
Your child’s key worker will communicate with you regularly, providing feedback and creating dialogue around your child’s development and wellbeing. All contributions from parents/carers are encouraged and welcomed and our parents/carers can upload pictures and messages to their learning journey using Tapestry Journal. Learning about our children’s early experiences from parents/carers helps key workers to plan for effective learning at the setting, and enables us to support parents in continuing their children’s learning development at home. We also use Class Dojo to keep parents up to date on the latest Preschool news and information.
Find out about how you can support your child’s learning and development at home by clicking here.