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It is of upmost importance to use that every pupil in our school feels safe, confident and happy at school.  We ensure that every pupil is making the best progress of which they are able and enjoying their time at school – be that in lessons, during their play or lunchtimes or when involved in any of our Extended School activities. We promote every child’s belief in themselves as a learner and ensure that they feel they are a valued member of our school community.

At Martinshaw, inclusion is seen as the responsibility of the whole school community, permeating all aspects of school life and applicable to all our pupils. We are committed to providing an appropriate and high-quality education to all our children. We recognise that in order to achieve our school’s vision, we must actively seek to recognise and meet the diverse needs of our pupils by:

  • Monitoring the achievement and well-being of all our pupils and the quality/nature of the learning opportunities they are offered.
  • Tracking each child’s academic, social and emotional progress and using the resulting knowledge to plan provision for the individual or groups of pupils.
  • Correctly identifying and then seeking to overcome potential barriers to pupils’ learning or their full participation in school life.
  • Developing and deploying our resources to best reflect the various levels of need experienced by pupils.
  • Taking care to ensure that vulnerable pupils, including those with additional or Special Educational Need or Disabilities are appropriately supported.
  • Sharing any concerns we may have regarding a child with their parents or carers and then seeking to work together with them, for the good of the child.
  • Liaising closely with professionals from other Children’s Services or Health agencies involved in the care and support of pupils.
  • Providing teaching and non-teaching staff with the support and training they need in order that their work promotes the best outcomes for each child.

To find out more about how we support children with additional needs, click on the links below:

Martinshaw Primary School
Forest View, Groby, Leicester LE6 0BB
E: manager@martinshaw.leics.sch.uk
T: 0116 2876749