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Routes to Resilience

We want our pupils to develop the character traits that support our core school values. These character traits not only open doors to employment and social opportunities but tend to underpin academic success and young people’s happiness and wellbeing as well.

As a Routes to Resilience accredited school, we use Guy Claxton’s metaphor of character ‘muscles’ to help pupils develop and grow within each of our core values. This concept is based on the belief that we all possess these ‘muscles’ and are able to exercise and strengthen them through conscious practice.

We help our children to develop the values and character traits they need for a successful and fulfilling life through daily reflection, an individual values journal, assemblies and collective worship, a consistent behavour and reward system, classroom charters, community links and an enriching, values-centered curriculum.

Martinshaw Primary School
Forest View, Groby, Leicester LE6 0BB
E: manager@martinshaw.leics.sch.uk
T: 0116 2876749