Parent Pay
Parent Pay
School Cloud
School Cloud


Who are the MSA?

We are a group of people whose aim is to provide the little extras that we feel the children deserve. This is achieved mainly by fundraising events held during the year. The monies from these events go towards a variety of causes from partly funding day trips to specific projects.

We raise between £4000 and £5000 every year and over the recent years, the fundsraised have been used to pay for coaches for school trips, for playground equipment, for buying books and equipment for the school library, for teaching resources, etc.

Please follow us on our very own Facebook page to find out more about some of the things we do!

Some of the many reasons why people join our committee are:

  • Helping to enrich our children’s education and the school environment by organising events and raising funds.
  • Getting to know other people.
  • Sharing common concerns.
  • Finding out how the school works.

We will always appreciate any comments, suggestions and ideas.

MSA Officers

The MSA has the following post holders:

Chair: Mrs Sara-Jane Butler
Vice Chair: Mrs Fiona Spencer-Melville
Treasurer: Mrs Hannah Moffatt
Secretary: Mrs Amanda Biggs and Mrs Kathy Hollinshead

Come & Join Us

We meet once a month, usually on a Tuesday at 6.30 p.m. in the school staffroom. We advertise each meeting 2 weeks in advance on our Facebook page and on the school notice board so please keep an eye out for the next meeting should you wish to attend.

Our meetings are open to anyone – it is not necessary to have a child at Martinshaw.

If you are willing to share ideas and experience and have a little free time to attend our meetings then please come along to our next meeting.

… or Register as a MSA Helper!!!

If you cannot attend the meetings, but are still willing to help make our events a success, you can register as a helper, to help man the stalls, the bar, etc during the events. To register as a helper, please contact the School Reception, any MSA Officer or Send an email to msa@martinshaw.leics.sch.uk.

Minutes of the MSA meetings

A copy of the MSA Financial Report and Minutes of the previous meeting(s) are obtainable on request.


MSA fundraising activities are held throughout the year with the generous support of the parents, staff and pupils and the local community and businesses.

Latest Newsletters

Please see our latest newsletters below:

Class List App

Keep up to date with our latest events and information on Class List: Classlist.com Rep Dashboard

Martinshaw Primary School
Forest View, Groby, Leicester LE6 0BB
E: manager@martinshaw.leics.sch.uk
T: 0116 2876749